WEBVTT 00:03.840 --> 00:06.140 Mhm . Yeah . 00:08.140 --> 00:11.650 This week we kick off 2021 best warrior 00:11.650 --> 00:13.260 competition for two I . D . 00:16.040 --> 00:17.060 Right ? Mhm . 00:24.540 --> 00:26.651 You're here to do a job . You put the 00:26.651 --> 00:28.596 uniform on , you wear your boots , 00:28.596 --> 00:32.520 soldier a lead , follow and do what 00:32.520 --> 00:34.131 you gotta do to improve your 00:34.131 --> 00:36.242 organization . You have to work at it 00:36.242 --> 00:38.800 8-12 hours a day to improve those 00:38.800 --> 00:41.070 parachuting skills of land navigation 00:41.080 --> 00:43.710 and roll marching a CFT . Whatever the 00:43.720 --> 00:45.609 task is , that's difficult to you 00:45.609 --> 00:47.850 treated as like a point in the land 00:47.850 --> 00:50.580 navigation course and steer your admits 00:50.590 --> 00:54.370 to get to their to success . We will 00:54.370 --> 00:56.537 now recognize the competitors from the 00:56.537 --> 00:59.260 Second Infantry Division 2021 Best 00:59.260 --> 01:00.260 Warrior Company 01:03.440 --> 01:06.460 specialist Seth prof because the army 01:06.460 --> 01:09.980 is about stories . Sergeant Sean Denson , 01:10.640 --> 01:12.362 the fact that they represented 01:12.362 --> 01:14.690 themselves and their unit warrant 01:14.690 --> 01:17.200 officer . One Matthew watering . It 01:17.200 --> 01:20.550 brings our faith to greatness . First 01:20.550 --> 01:23.230 lieutenant shaved on that history and 01:23.230 --> 01:25.452 that legacy is something I look forward 01:25.452 --> 01:27.960 to helping them create their legs . 01:34.240 --> 01:36.407 What are you doing to prepare the next 01:36.407 --> 01:38.629 best warrior , your love ? What are you 01:38.629 --> 01:40.990 doing as an individual to push someone 01:40.990 --> 01:44.450 else ? Because it's great that we can 01:44.450 --> 01:46.617 make it to the mountain top ? But this 01:46.617 --> 01:48.940 is a team effort and not one of us is 01:48.940 --> 01:51.051 better than all of us or not . One of 01:51.051 --> 01:53.273 us is smarter than all of us . What are 01:53.273 --> 01:55.384 you gonna do to produce the next best 01:55.384 --> 01:55.960 way of your union ?