2nd Infantry Division - Korea : Newcomers : Army Sponsorship

2ID Newcomers Virtual Sponsorship Portal

Welcome to Korea the Land of the Morning Calm, and the United States Army's 2nd Infantry Division. Before you begin your tour serving here in the Republic of Korea, please take time to go over the information we have compiled here to better prepare you and your family for success at your new duty station.

Total Army Sponsorship

Pertinent Information for all arriving personnel to the Republic of Korea:

• Per 3.D.13.D.3, “Soldiers assigned to Korea will contact their sponsor immediately upon notification of assignment. Communication is essential to track arrival times to ensure efficient reception procedures.”

The Army Sponsorship program is designed to ease the transition between duty assignments.   All 2ID Soldiers will be initially assigned a sponsor via the 2ID Virtual Sponsorship Team.

•Sponsorship of newly assigned Soldiers begins prior to leaving the old duty station and includes the completion of the DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Request Form) located on the Army Career Tracker website.

•Through the 2ID Sponsorship program, newcomers will get the level of support needed to seamlessly welcome Soldiers and Families to Warrior Country!

Unit Sponsorship Point of Contacts

If you are having issues getting into contact with your sponsor, please click your organization below in order to contact a representative that can assist:
HHBN, 2ID (WAH4AA): usarmy.humphreys.2-id.list.web-hhbn@mail.mil
210TH FIELD ARTILLERY BRIGADE (WAJAAA): usarmy.casey.210-fires-bde.list.s1@mail.mil
2ID SUSTAINMENT BRIGADE (WEHSAA): usarmy.humphreys.2-id-sust-bde.list.sponsorship-team-bdes1@mail.mil
2D COMBAT AVIATION BRIGADE (WHNVAA): usarmy.humphreys.2-cavn-bde.mbx.2cab-sponsorship-team-2cab@mail.mil

The 8th Army Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) requires sponsors be assigned NLT 120 days out from arrival. If you are not assigned a sponsor, or your sponsor has not reached out to you within 30 days from assistance, contact 2ID/RUCD C1 LTC Tiffany N. Hines at tiffany.n.hines.mil@army.mil or via DSN at (315) 732-2704 or (315) 757-2705.

Contact 2ID's Virtual Sponsorship Team

By Email: usarmy.humphreys.2-id.mbx.2id-virtual-sponsorship-team-c1@mail.mil

You'll receive a response within 24-48 hours.

2ID's Virtual Sponsorship Team TEL: 757-2704