2nd Infantry Division - Korea : Newcomers : Command Sponsorship

Command Sponsorship

For the most up-to-date Command Sponsorship information, visit the 8th Army Newcomers Page by clicking HERE.

The Republic of Korea is a great place to serve and thrive, personally and professionally for Soldiers and their Family members. Expand your horizons by joining the Warrior team – and bring your family along for the duration of your tour.

The 2ID Command Sponsorship Program (CSP) is available for Area III (Camp Humphreys) units to house families on base and in nearby cities.

Please note that Area I (Camp Casey/Hovey) CSP is restricted to only Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers projected to fill "Priority One" billets. Family members of those approved for "Priority One" command sponsorship billets will reside in Area III. Exceptions are not possible.

The CSP process takes approximately two to four weeks once correctly submitted. 

For questions about the command sponsorship program (CSP), please contact the Virtual Sponsorship Team at usarmy.humphreys.2-id.mbx.2id-virtual-sponsorship-team-c1@mail.mil

1.  Out of Country Requests -  Service member on assignment to Korea

  • DA Form 5888 (only valid for a year)
  • DD Form 2792/DD Form 2792-1 (if family member is warranted in part B. 9b and the EFMP condition is medical/educational related)
  • PCS Orders or Soldier Declaration Memo
  • Others (required by losing MPD)
  • 2.  In Country Requests -  Service member who already in Korea

    • DA Form 4187
    • PCS Orders to Korea
    • Pinpoint Orders (indicating arrival date to Korea)
    • DA Form 5888 (only valid for a year)
    • DD Form 2792/DD Form 2792-1 (if family member is warranted in part B. 9b and the EFMP condition is medical/educational related)
    • Current LES
    • Travel voucher AOP from MyPay
    • No CSP Inbound Entitlement Memo (if any entitlement has been used with PCS orders to Korea or if no dependent stated on PCS orders)
    • ERB/ORB

    Submit your completed packet to your current S1/2ID G1.  

    Civilians must have a valid passport for entry into Korea. Command sponsored family members can obtain a no-fee passport from their losing unit. Soldiers do not need a passport when traveling between the U.S. and Korea on orders for PCS or leave; however passports are required for personal travel outside of Korea.

    Republic of Korea Immigration will authorize a 90-day tourist visa for civilian employees and dependents; however, all civilians must obtain a multiple-entry visa issued by the Korean Embassy or Consulate within 90 days of arrival to Korea. This application process can take up to three months. Additionally, civilian employees and all dependents must obtain a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) stamp authorizing their stay beyond the 90-day tourist period. Your local ACS or legal office can provide you with applications and more information.

    No-Fee Passport
    Once your family has been approved for Command Sponsorship and your Soldier’s PCS Orders include each dependent’s name, immediately apply for a No-Fee Passport through your losing installation Military Personnel Division (MPD) Personnel Processing Branch. The processing time is generally six to eight weeks, so begin the process as soon as orders for command sponsorship are approved. Contact your local personnel office for the proper forms and information. Do not depart your losing installation without receiving the no-fee passport.

    Non-U.S. citizens must apply for a country of origin passport. Documents must be original or certified copies.