2nd Infantry Division - Korea : Newcomers : Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
For new Soldiers & their Families

*DISCLAIMER: all below information is current as of 22 MAR 23 and subject to change in accordance with policies/procedures.
1. What do I need to expect with my HHG and UA shipment? Recommendations for my carry-on luggage?
2. Can I ship my car to Korea? Are there any special requirements for a license?  
3. What are the Passport (Official and No-Fee) Requirements for Soldiers and Families?  
4. Is there medical care for Soldiers and their dependents in Korea?  
5. I am a dual military couple due to PCS to Korea, what do I need to expect? Our orders say unaccompanied, is that an issue? Can I bring dependents?  

6. I am scheduling my HHG/UB and the only selection in DPS is Osan. How do I select a shipment to Camp Humphreys? 

7. My spouse/dependent is currently not a U.S. citizen? May they PCS to Korea with me? 

8. Can I bring a pet with me to Korea?

9. Is there a memo needed for automatic knives when going through customs, or should we leave those back in the US?
10. When can I expect my Sponsor to reach out to me?

11. Is there a way for the SM to get the spouse situated in a different country before arriving to Korea for an Unaccompanied Tour?
12. What can I expect once I land at the airport in Korea?

13.  What can I expect my first week in Korea as an E6 and below unaccompanied Soldier?
14.  Do I need a P.O. Box? How do I get one? How do you ship items to an APO AP address?
15.  What religious services are offered in Korea?
16.  When and where can I purchase a Korean SIM Card, phone and internet?
17. What are helpful apps to download prior to arriving in Korea?
18.  How do I travel in and outside of Korea?  

19. Am I authorized Overseas Housing Allowance and to reside off-post? 

20. What are the living arrangements for unaccompanied service members E7 and above?

21. Can I expect to reside on or off post? Is transition lodging available?

22. If housing isn't provided on post due to capacity, is PTDY authorized before in processing? If not, what the timeline for in processing after signing in?
23. What is COLA? What is it for?
24. Am I authorized Family Separation Pay? How do I get the entitlement?
25. Is Space-A available for travel?

26. May my family visit me in Korea from CONUS? May I visit surrounding countries?
27. What employments opportunities does my spouse have?
28.  What do I need to do before I enroll my child in a Camp Humphrey’s School?
29. Is there childcare available in Korea?
30. What is a COT/IPCOT/ITTCOT?
31. What is Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP)?

32. What is the maximum time that we can extend our tour in Korea?
33. What does the Camp Humphreys Commissary offer? Hours?
34.  What does the Camp Humphreys PX offer? Hours?
Q: What do I need to expect with my HHG and UA shipment? Recommendations for my carry-on luggage?  
Weight allowances are restricted coming to Korea. Command sponsored Families are authorized 50% of your normal JTR weight allowance while unaccompanied personnel are authorized only 25%. It normally takes 6 weeks to 3 months for your household goods to arrive and get through customs so plan accordingly. After clearing customs, the UB/HHG is on-hand at the agent company's warehouse, the company will contact you by phone or email. When contacted, set up delivery appointment with the agent company directly. If you are not ready to receive your UB/HHG, the agent company will store your UB/HHG for 90 days at government expense.
-If possible, SHIP EARLY!
-Upon arrival, if your UA and/or HHG are not available, check out the Camp Humphreys Thrift Store and myriad of FaceBook Sell Sites before purchasing new as there is a constant flow of personnel departing with loads of items to sell.
* Humphreys Painted Door Thrift Shop:
  • Location: BLDG 550 (Freedom Road)
  • Hours: Tues-Thursday 1000-1400hrs; check FB page for different hours
  • Website/Facebook: Humphreys Thrift Shop
-Recommend packing sheets/blankets/pillows/towels/washcloths in your luggage to use in the interim until your UA and/or HHG arrive.
- Ensure you have hard copies of your orders and DA 31 Leave Form with your carry-on luggage/backpack
- While traveling you can typically use your orders and leave form to get into the Flight Clubs (United Club, Delta Club, etc.) AT NO COST that offers free food/drinks/charging/relaxation areas. For how-to guides to assist with this application, go to www.move.mil
Q: Can I ship my car to Korea? Are there any special requirements for a license?  
A: Service Members sponsoring dependents are authorized to ship one POV. Those on unaccompanied orders in the ranks of E7 and above in Areas III/IV are authorized to possess a vehicle and Korean driver’s license upon arrive. Those unable to ship a vehicle will be authorized to store one at government expense. For detailed information regarding shipping or storing a vehicle, reference your PCS orders or ask your losing instillation’s transportation department.
**Training and testing for the USFK Driver's License (USFK 134EK) is conducted at the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) website Driving in Korea (usfk.mil).
-The training and testing are open to all Service Members, DoD Civilians, and their respective dependents.
-Personnel with a CAC should log into JKO with their CAC and register for training.
-Personnel without a CAC must first create a JKO account using a user id and password and then take the training and the test. -Do not take the training and test using your sponsor's CAC. This applies to family members too who want a UFSK SOFA license.
-To receive credit for the training and the test, you must log onto JKO with your own account credentials.
-It is recommended you complete the training prior to your arrival or no less than 48 hours prior to attempting to attain your Korean driver’s license.
-You cannot click through training; expect a full two hours to complete online training
-Ensure you download the Resource guide and have readily available for the 70-question exam for reference
-Expect 45-60 mins to complete the exam
-No need to print certificate of completion as the Driver’s License office can see your results in the system 2-3 days after completion
-Do NOT go to their office until 2 days (min) after completing the course/exam
-You may receive your license at the Camp Humphrey’s TMP office. Once a vehicle is purchased in Korea you must attain a SOFA registration. To register your vehicle, visit DBIDS & Vehicle Registration Office located in BLDG 6400, RM G101, Maude Hall (One-Stop) or the Pyeongtaek DMV.
Q: What are the Passport (Official and No-Fee) Requirements for Soldiers and Families?  
A:Once your Family has been approved for Command Sponsorship and your Soldier’s PCS Orders include each dependent’s name, immediately apply for a No-Fee Passport through your losing installation Military Personnel Division (MPD) Personnel Processing Branch. The processing time is generally six to eight weeks, so begin the process as soon as orders for command sponsorship are approved. Contact your local personnel office for the proper forms and information. Do not depart your losing installation without receiving the no-fee passport. The following information on passports for your Family and visitors can be found at: Passports, SOFA Stamp & A-3 Visa - Eighth Army | The United States Army
Q: Is there medical care for Soldiers and their dependents in Korea?  
A: For dependents as part of the Command Sponsorship application packet are each required to complete an Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Screening.  
What is EFMP? 
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a Department of Defense program designed to identify and document the special medical and/or educational needs of a soldier’s Family members and ensure that those needs are considered during the assignment process. The program applies to adults as well as children up to 21 years of age. Approximately 10% of Army Families have members with special needs, including spouses, children, or dependent parents who require special services. 
Why do I need an EFMP Screening? 
EFMP screening is required for all sponsors requesting command sponsorship, consecutive overseas tours, AIP or as an addition to orders. Enrollment in the EFMP is mandatory for all active duty military sponsors who have Family members with special medical and/or educational needs. Enrollment or updates to EFMP should be completed at the time of initial diagnosis of medical problems and/or awareness of educational concerns. 
As the Army shifts resources during transformation throughout South Korea, the Army wants to ensure Soldiers are assigned to locations where dependents with special needs can receive necessary care. When reviewing a Family member’s needs, the Army often considers the availability of services from the host nation as well as those provided by the Army. 
What are the EFMP Screening steps? 
During your losing installation’s levy brief they should discuss the process and steps involved to complete the EFMP process. Special medical and/or educational needs vary from person to person; the associated required documentation and information is likely to also be different. Generally, at your EFMP appointment, the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) practitioner will review your screening questionnaire, outpatient medical records, education records, and any supporting documentation to determine if any Family member meets criteria for enrollment into EFMP. 
Need help navigating the EFMP process? 
Contact your losing installation’s military health clinic’s EFMP Coordinator to help you with enrollment, disenrollment, updates, and overseas EFMP screenings. Additional information about the EFMP program is available at: http://efmp.amedd.army.mil/  
For more information on specialty medical programs see the link provided: https://8tharmy.korea.army.mil/site/newcomers/medical-care.asp  
To ensure your Soldier and Family are enrolled in TRICARE to receive healthcare in South Korea during your medical briefing at in processing bring:  
  • Your Soldier will need a copy of PCS Orders to complete TRICARE Enrollment forms during in-processing. 
  • Submit all medical and dental records during in-processing. 
TIP: Soldiers and dependents can receive a copy of their medical file once per year from Medical Records. 
*Medical: Central Appointment Line DSN: 737-2273; Commercial: 0503-337-2273 

Q: I am a dual military couple due to PCS to Korea, what do I need to expect? Our orders say unaccompanied, is that an issue? Can I bring dependents?  
A: If a dual military couple has additional dependents they would like to bring to Korea, one of the moving Service Members must have them command sponsored and on their orders. Those command sponsoring additional dependents are obligated to complete a two-year tour. Those without additional dependents may PCS on unaccompanied orders, or orders that indicate “Joint Domicile” and are obligated to complete a one-year tour. Regardless of rank, dual military couples moving to Korea on unaccompanied orders MUST have an exception to policy form 1058-R signed by their gaining Battalion Commander to reside together off post. If you would like anymore additional information, you can reference 8A FAQ page as well: Newcomers - Eighth Army | The United States Army.

Form 1058-R
Q. I am scheduling my HHG/UB and the only selection in DPS is Osan. How do I select a shipment to Camp Humphreys?

A. When scheduling you HHG/UB in the DPS system, type in “Pyongtaek”. Do not type in “Pyeongteak.”

Q. My spouse/dependent is currently not a U.S. citizen? May they PCS to Korea with me?

A. Spouses/dependents who are NOT U.S. citizens BUT possess a Green Card, may PCS to Korea if they are on the Service Members accompanied orders. If they are currently working on becoming a U.S. citizen, they may complete the process through the U.S. embassy in Seoul. All spouses/dependents moving to Korea, regardless of citizenship status, MUST apply for a no fee official passport at their losing installation. 

Q: Can I bring a pet with me to Korea?
A: Those moving to Korea accompanied will be authorized to bring pets. Soldiers coming unaccompanied will not be authorized to bring an animal. To make sure you are authorized to bring a pet check your orders or ask your losing instillation reassignments office.
Transportation: Pets will be transported from the airport/PAX terminal to Camp Humphreys on the bus with their owners. All pets must remain in their carrier throughout the trip. For more information, please go to:
Hotel Accommodations: While staying in lodging, you will have your pet in your room with you. Be sure to plan for food, water, and bathroom breaks.
Installations across Korea have many walking trails and parks that can make for a great way for Soldiers and Families to get out and acclimate. This also serves to get your pet acclimated as well. Be sure to clean up after your pet. If you haven’t checked out our traveling with pet’s page, go here:
Pet care and Kenneling:
Dog Town Club and Showroom Grooming 010-4000-9614
Pet Care Center, Yongsan; DSN 315-736-6426 or COMM 82(0)50-3336-6426
All Paws Osan Pet Care, Osan Air Base: DSN 315-784-4314 or COMM 82(0)10-5663-1304
Registration: SOFA status personnel are required to register each domestic pet in their possession, at the appropriate Veterinary Treatment Facility, within 10 duty days of arrival on the Korean peninsula or upon the acquisition of the pet. They are also required to notify their installation housing office of their pet ownership within the same time frame. Registration consists of creating a veterinary treatment record DD Form 2343 (Veterinary Health Record) with proof of rabies virus vaccination and proof of microchip implantation (as applicable). There are three military veterinary clinics on the peninsula where you may register your pet. You must register your pet in-person.

Q: Is there a memo needed for automatic knives when going through customs, or should we leave those back in the US?
A: Weapons of all kinds, including replicas, and toys resembling guns or swords. Gunpowder and explosives are also restricted. If a traveler is found carrying prohibited items into South Korea, the forbidden items are highly likely to be confiscated. Those found carrying prohibited material or restricted items while going through the required customs investigation at the airport will face repercussions according to the Korean laws regarding customs. It is for this reason that travelers are advised to avoid carrying certain restricted items, whether they are entering or leaving the country. Soldiers owning firearms or knives are not permitted to PCS to Korea with them. All weapons must be stored CONUS.
Q: When can I expect my Sponsor to reach out to me?
A: The 8th Army Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) requires sponsors be assigned NLT 120 days out from arrival. If you are not assigned a sponsor, or your sponsor has not reached out to you within 30 days from assistance, contact 2ID/RUCD C1 LTC Tiffany N. Hines at tiffany.n.hines.mil@army.mil.

Q: Is there a way for the SM to get the spouse situated in a different country before arriving to Korea for an Unaccompanied Tour?

A:  IAW AR 614-30 relocation of the spouse to a different country/different state is authorized while the SM serves his/her tour in Korea unaccompanied. The SM will have to do a PAR Request on IPPS-A and submit the request through the losing unit. The orders need to say that the SM’s spouse is authorized to keep the SMs spouse stuff in storage the best POC for this information would be the losing unit MPD Office.

Q: What can I expect once I land at the airport in Korea?
A: You will arrive to Korea in two ways: through Incheon Airport or Patriot Express at Osan Airbase.
Patriot Express will fly out of Seattle, and you can expect to stop first in Japan for 2-3 hours before continuing into Osan. Upon arriving to Osan, Air Force personnel will assist in filling out the declaration form. From there you will pick up your baggage and proceed through Korean customs at Osan Air Base. Single Soldiers load your items on a box truck.  At this time 19th HR Company will take your DA 31 and PCS Orders. Families will head to Army Lodging and unaccompanied Soldiers to Reception Barracks (6390). The next day, you will begin to in-process at Maude Hall Building 6400 across the street from the Reception Barracks. It has a green roof for reference.
If arriving in Korea through Incheon, proceed through Korean customs and show your PCS orders and CAC to Korean customs. If you have command sponsored dependents, be sure to have the SOFA stamps in their passport prior to arrival to ensure smooth transitions. After arriving through customs, you will go to baggage claim and make your way to the USFK desk located in the airport (Terminal 1: Gate 1 and Terminal 2: Gate 3). Sign in at the desk with the Soldiers and wait for your name to be called to be transported to Camp Humphreys. An estimated schedule: In-processing (army.mil).  Families will head to Army Lodging and unaccompanied Soldiers to Reception Barracks (6390). Next day you will begin to in process immediately at Maude Hall Building 6400 across the street from the Reception Barracks. It has a green roof for reference.
Bus from Incheon to CP Humphreys: CP_HUMPHREYS_TO_INCHEON__IAP_T2_to_T1.pdf (army.mil)

Q: What can I expect my first week in Korea as an E6 and below unaccompanied Soldier? 
There will be four full days (0600-1700) of in-processing. CIF usually lasts a half day. You might have some free time to explore Camp Humphreys. On the final day, a sponsor from your unit will pick you up and take you to your barracks room. If you are going to Area I/IV, you will get on the bus to your respective area.
Q: Do I need a P.O. Box? How do I get one? How do you ship items to an APO AP address?  
A: Yes. Your PSC is assigned to you according to your unit on USAG-H or respective area. When you in process Camp Humphreys stop by the installation post office in front of the new PX to receive your P.O. Box and PSC Building Number. Many popular American businesses will ship to an APO address with limited product delay.
*When ordering items online, use your PO Box but select United States for the country vice Republic of Korea or Korea…this will circumvent the Customs issues and (mostly) guarantee delivery.
-Camp Humphreys Main Post Office:
-Location: in Main PX parking lot
-Inbound Soldiers can send an email with their orders to the following email (yongchun.kang.ln@army.mil) in order to establish a post office box PRIOR TO ARRIVAL and begin shipping items to themselves
-Official Mail Distribution Center:
-Hours: Monday-Wednesday, Friday 0900-1500hrs; Thursdays 1200-1500hrs; Lunch Break 1100-1200hrs; Closed on all US and Korean Holidays
-Package Pickup:
-Hours: Monday-Wednesday, Friday 1000-1800hrs; Thursdays 1100-1800hrs, Saturday 1000-1400hrs
-All US Holidays Closed
Q: What religious services are offered in Korea?  
A: Korea offers a variety of religious services across all four areas. See the links below for religious services in your area. 
Area I/II: USAG Yongsan-Casey 
Area III: USAG Humphreys 
Area IV: USAG Daegu  
Q: When and where can I purchase a Korean SIM Card, phone and internet? 
A: Prior to departure, check with your phone company if your phone is unlocked and available for international use. Let your phone company know you are deploying to Korea, and they should unlock your phone and pause your American phone plan. If unable to be unlocked, you may purchase a new phone with your Korean phone plan. SIM Cards and Korean Phone plans can be purchased at any Olleh (formerly KT), SK Telecom and LG U+ (formerly LG Telecom) locations.

*You will have an opportunity to purchase a new SIM, phone, and establish a service provider during inprocessing as there are several locations on post to include the LG U+ location inside of the inprocessing building- Maude Hall (One-Stop).

Q: What are helpful apps to download prior to arriving in Korea?  
A: -WhatsApp (also ensure your family and friends download the app for easy comms)
-Naver Map (best used off post)
-Waze (best used on post)
-Google Translate (very helpful when corresponding with locals that do not know English)
-Signal (similar to WhatsApp but more secure)
-Exchange taxi (vital for getting taxis on post)
  • There is no uber, lyft on post
  • You pay after each ride via credit card exchange with the driver (typically $7-$8 per ride on post)
-Subway Korea
-Genius Scan (very helpful when completing your Smart Voucher with Finance)

Q: How do I travel in and outside of Korea?  
A: While traveling within Korea we recommend using one of three apps: Kakao, Naver, or Waze. All three apps will alert you to the many speed cameras on Korean roads. Public transportation, to include buses and trains are very developed and cheap and easy to use in Korea. You can purchase a bus card at any Korean convenience store (GS25/CU) you can go to the checkout counter and ask for a T-Money card. There you can load however much money on the card for public transportation. When getting on the bus swipe the card and as you leave swipe the card. These cards also work for the subway in cities. Trains: You can get the train ticket before on apps like Trip.com or RailNinja.com. Or you can get your ticket once you arrive at the station. Go to the ‘international cards’ kiosk and pick where you want to go. It will give you the rail line and name of the train. There are two types of trains the KTX and Intercity Trains (Korail). The KTX train aka bullet train can have you from Pyeongtaek (USAG-H) to Busan in two hours. The Korail intercity trains are a little bit slower but will drop off passengers to major train stations across Korea. The KTX is a bit more expensive, but the regular Korail trains are cheap. From Pyeongtaek to Seoul the average train ticket is 5-7000 won ($4). For travel outside of Korea follow country restrictions on arriving and departing. Reference question #2. Any travel outside of Korea will need a foreign travel packet from your S2 and will need to conduct a security brief NLT 14 days prior to travel outside of Korea. (doesn’t apply to CONUS). Travelling in Korea: Discover Seoul on post offers experiences to see multiple places in Korea.

Q: May my family visit me in Korea from CONUS? May I visit surrounding countries?

A: Immediate and extended family members can visit in Korea from CONUS. Those visiting must follow leisure travel regulations IAW with South Korean Law and possess a blue tourist passport. You may take local leave in Korea on an approved Absence Request Form generated from IPPS-A. You may visit surrounding countries with an approved Absence Request Form generated from IPPS-A, IATP and APACS. Check with your gaining unit for leave submission requirements. NOTE: Soldiers traveling leisurely outside of Korea MUST possess a blue tourist passport.

Q. Can I expect to reside on or off post? Is transition lodging available?

A. Housing assignments are determined at the destination installation based on the military sponsor’s rank and Family size. Housing options include low-rise apartments, town houses, duplex homes, and single-Family homes that generally range from two to five bedrooms. On and off-post housing in Korea is comparable to or better than housing at military bases throughout the world, and most places in Korea are new construction.
Soldiers with Families at USAG-H can expect to stay in hotel lodging until they relocate to permanent housing. For availability and questions regarding eligibility to reserve on post lodging contact the Army Lodge at usarmy.humphreys.imcom fmwrc.mbx.lodging@mail.mil. Make reservations by calling 011-82-692-0825 [outside of Korea], 031-692-0825/DSN 315 755-0233/1682 [within Korea]. **RESERVE POST LODGING EARLY as there is limited capacity especially during peak PCS times. Work with your gaining unit and sponsor to assist with your reservations as the time difference and OCONUS contact information can be frustrating.
  • Lodging provides continental style breakfast from 0630-0930 daily
  • Lodging has a Business Center w/CAC enabled computers
  • There is no gym on site but several options within walking distance
  • There is a small playground area on site
  • There are laundry facilities on site
Soldiers on an unaccompanied tour can expect to transition to senior living quarters (SLQ) or off-post housing if authorized; after completing in-processing.
During in-processing Soldiers and Families will receive a briefing from the Housing Office on the availability of houses on-post based on the following guidance:
  1. Unaccompanied tour: SFC to LTCs are assigned to SLQs if available. If not, the housing office will provide guidance on off-post housing process.
  1. Accompanied (Command-sponsored): When you have orders, the housing office will begin allocating quarters according to your rank. You cannot request off-post housing unless on-post housing is 95% filled. To request off-post housing, you will need an Exception to Policy (ETP) signed by Garrison commander.
  1. Housing availability: If housing is not available on post you will receive guidance from the Installation Housing Office to the approved list of realtors to assist you in finding a home. Many realtors can assist you with finding a home that will fit your needs.
  1. Furniture: If command-sponsored, Housing has almost everything you need for your apartment. You can bring your own furniture; just keep in mind that the apartments are not “American-sized” and there may not be storage rooms for your excess.
  1. For more Information on housing please reference Camp Humphrey’s Housing Information Sheet.

Q: Am I authorized Overseas Housing Allowance and to reside off-post? 
A. Upon in processing if you are unaccompanied you will reside in the barracks if E6 and below or the SLQs for E7 and above. If housing is at 95% occupancy unaccompanied senior leaders (E7 and above) or Soldiers with command sponsored dependents will be authorized to reside off post. If off-post, SMs will receive overseas housing allowance (OHA). SMs with authorized dependents who PCS to Korea unaccompanied are entitled to BAH based off the zip code their dependents reside CONUS.  
During in-processing there will be a small amount of time to begin house hunting. After hours, days off, and half days will allow you to look for housing early during in processing.
Personnel who are authorized to reside off-post at Camp Humphreys have a wide variety of housing options to choose from that are within a short driving distance of the installation. Individuals relocating from another installation in Korea should contact their local housing office as soon as they receive notice of their unit’s relocation to find out more about their housing options at the gaining installation. Personnel who are approved to reside off-post must go through a U.S. Forces Korea Registered Licensed Realtor to qualify their off-post housing allowance. The realtor you select will be like a realtor and property manager in the US. They will show you various properties that are available and if you select one of those properties, the realtor’s role shifts into what a property manager or landlord does in the U.S. You will call the realtor if anything is wrong with your residence, and they will work with the owner to take corrective action. Typically, Soldiers will pay their rent to the realtors in Korean Won monthly. ATMs on post give the option of withdrawing dollars or won. There are also several money exchangers outside of military installations in Korea. A list of approved realtors will be given to you at housing upon approval to reside off-post or can be found at https://www.2id.korea.army.mil/Newcomers/Housing/.

Q: What are the living arrangements for unaccompanied service members E7 and above?  
Senior Living Quarters/Barracks. During the initial five days of in processing, you will go to the Housing office in Maude Hall bldg. 6400 who will give you a SLQ and locate you as close to your job as possible. The SLQs consist of a full kitchen, living room, and bedroom. They are fully furnished but you do have the option to get rid of the government furniture within the first 90 days at 755-9557/755-9550/755-9551 or buy your own. For more information visit Housing Office :: USAG Humphreys (army.mil)

Q: Can I expect to reside on or off post? Is transition lodging available?  
Housing assignments are determined at the final destination installation based on the military sponsor’s rank and Family size. Housing options include low-rise apartments, town houses, duplex homes, and single-Family homes that generally range from two to five bedrooms. On and off-post housing in Korea is comparable to or better than housing at military bases throughout the world, and most places in Korea are new construction. 
Soldiers with Families at USAG-H can expect to stay in hotel lodging until they relocate to permanent housing.  
**RESERVE POST LODGING EARLY as there is limited capacity especially during peak PCS times. Work with your gaining unit and sponsor to assist with your reservations as the time difference and OCONUS contact information can be frustrating.  
Make reservations by calling 011-82-692-0825 [outside of Korea], 031-692-0825/DSN 315-755-0233/1682 [within Korea]. 
  • Lodging provides continental style breakfast from 0630-0930 daily 
  • Lodging has a Business Center w/CAC enabled computers  
  • There is no gym on site but several options within walking distance 
  • There is a small playground area on site 
  • There are laundry facilities on site 
Soldiers on an unaccompanied tour can expect to transition to senior living quarters (SLQ) or off-post housing if authorized; after completing in-processing. 
During in-processing Soldiers and Families will receive a briefing from the Housing Office on the availability of houses on-post based on the following guidance: 
  1. Unaccompanied tour: SFC to LTCs are assigned to SLQs if available. If not, the housing office will provide guidance on off-post housing process 
  1. Accompanied (Command-sponsored): When you have orders, the housing office will begin allocating quarters according to your rank. You cannot request off-post housing unless on-post housing is 95% filled. To request off-post housing, you will need an Exception to Policy (ETP) signed by Garrison commander. 
  1. Housing availability: If housing is not available on post you will receive guidance from the Installation Housing Office to the approved list of realtors to assist you in finding a home. Many realtors can assist you with finding a home that will fit your needs. 
  1. Furniture: If command-sponsored, Housing has almost everything you need for your apartment. You can bring your own furniture; just keep in mind that the apartments are not “American-sized” and there may not be storage rooms for your excess. 
  1. For more Information on housing please reference Camp Humphrey’s Housing Information Sheet.  
Q: If housing isn't provided on post due to capacity, is PTDY authorized before in processing? If not, what the timeline for in processing after signing in?
A: Installation in-processing takes approximately one week after arriving to Korea. Service Members can reside in the Army Lodge with a reservation. If unable to secure a reservation families and Service Members will be provided barracks space until permanent housing is secured. If it is determined the Soldier can reside off post the Soldier will need to communicate with his gaining chain of command his house hunting timeline. Units in Korea will not authorize Permissive TDY. If staying in the Army Lodge while house hunting, work with instillation finance for reimbursement. Depending on your orders and if you are accompanied or unaccompanied, reimbursement is not always guaranteed. If you wish to reside on post and there is no space available, you will be reimbursed up to 15 days in Army Lodging. After 15 days, you must acquire an ETP from installation housing for reimbursement.

Q: What is COLA? What is it for?  
A: All permanently assigned Soldiers in Korea receive COLA. This allowance is meant to assist in the pur- chase of higher priced overseas goods and services. COLA is not authorized for temporary duty (TDY) or rotationally assigned Soldiers. COLA is based off rank, time in service, and number of dependents. To calculate how much use the following link: https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/colaCalc.cfm.  
Q: Am I authorized Family Separation Pay? How do I get the entitlement? 
A: Service members with authorized dependents who come to Korea unaccompanied are authorized Family Separation Allowance. SM who PCS under these circumstances will receive the allowance upon in processing.  
Q: Is Space-A available for travel? 
A: Air Mobility Command offers flights to multiple locations. Use the link to find out your eligibility: https://www.amc.af.mil/AMC-Travel-Site/AMC-Space-Available-Travel-Page/.  
Q: What employments opportunities does my spouse have?  
A: Find all information regarding spousal employment at the following link: https://8tharmy.korea.army.mil/site/Families/spouse-employment.asp  
Family members of active-duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces and of U.S. civilian employees of U.S. Government agencies assigned in Korea may search and apply for available jobs at: https://portal.chra.army.mil/hr_public?id=kn_employment. Applicants will submit an Application for Employment (USFK Form 130EK) to: usarmy.henry.chra-fe.mbx.knrs-notifications@army.mil.
Q: What do I need to do before I enroll my child in a Camp Humphrey’s School? 
The top 3 things that Families need to do before they PCS:
  1. Make sure all immunizations are up to date and recorded. 
  2. Collect all school records and any other pertinent information.
  3. If your child has an IEP or a 504 plan, please ensure you bring that to the school.
All the DOD semesters are in synch with the DODEA school year schedule. For more information: https://8tharmy.korea.army.mil/site/newcomers/school-registration.asp.
Q: Is there childcare available in Korea?  
A: Children ages 6 weeks to 12 years may receive care in the private home of a certified Family childcare provider living in government-owned or leased housing. Family childcare is typically available weekdays and with additional care provided during evenings, weekends and flexible hourly care for shift work. Regulations limit the number of children who receive care at any one time to no more than six children under age 8 and no more than two children under age 2. Family childcare providers must be certified to operate by the installation. Individual providers may voluntarily seek national accreditation from the National Association of Family Child Care and are provided local support, training, and materials to accomplish this goal. 
For registering your child on installations throughout Korea proceed to the following links: https://8tharmy.korea.army.mil/site/newcomers/parent-outreach-services.asp  
A: COT – Consecutive Overseas tour, (One OCONUS PDS to another OCONUS PDS, i.e. Korea to Hawaii) 
IPCOT – In-Place Consecutive Overseas Tour - Another tour at the same duty station. 
ITT - COT – Intra-theater continuous overseas tour – A PCS reassignment between duty stations in the same theater or country. 
DA 4187: IPCOT Template

 IPCOT Frequently Asked Questions

AMIM-HM Form 58: Korea COT

Q: What is Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP)? 
A: The AIP program provides commanders an incentive tool to increase unit personnel readiness by inviting Soldiers in a critical shortage Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) or Area of Concentration (AOC) to extend their tour in Korea by 12 months. Commanders will ensure the program is used in accordance with the intent and purpose of targeting critical MOS shortages to the most qualified Soldiers. Enhanced incentive pay for MOS/AOC approved by the Eighth Army Commanding General and annotated on the Eighth Army AIP Critical MOS/AOC Shortage List is $6,000. Incentive pay for all other understrength MOS/AOC is $3,600. A list of all understrength MOS/AOC is published monthly and subject to change.  

Q: What is the maximum time that we can extend our tour in Korea?
A: IAW 614-30, the maximum amount of time you can extend in Koreas is one year.
Q: What does the Camp Humphreys Commissary offer? Hours?  
A:         Commissary: 
  • Location: BLDG 5725 
  • Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 0900-2000hrs; Monday 0900-1900hrs 
  • MUST scan CAC to enter facility and check out (this requirement changes on occasion) 
  • New shipments arrive on Wednesday and Thursday 
  • If you find an item you like, purchase extra as stock does not last long 
  • Specific items to include milk, eggs, etc. are limited per Household 
  • Bakery:  
  • Do NOT recommend purchasing salads; use caution with fruits and vegetables (better option to go off post to the local market to purchase these items) 
  • Be on the look-out for “Sidewalk Case Sales” as you can get bulk items for incredibly cheap prices (toiletries, drinks, dried goods, etc) 
  • Good Practice to have a few dollars or won on your person to tip the baggers 
  • Recommend bringing your shopping bags if going for small hauls/items 
Q: What does the Camp Humphreys PX offer? Hours?  
A:         Main PX 
  • Location: BLDG 5700 
  • Hours: Monday-Saturday 0900-2100hrs; Sunday 0900-2000hrs 
  • MUST scan CAC to check out 
  • Main PX Food Court:  
  • Burger King: 0630-2000hrs; Saturday/Sunday 0730hrs open time 
  • Charleys: 0630-2000hrs; Saturday/Sunday 0730hrs open time 
  • Taco Bell: 0630-2000hrs; Saturday/Sunday 0730hrs open time 
  • Arby’s: 1000-2000hrs 
  • Manchu Wok: 1000-2100hrs; Friday/Saturday 2200hrs close time 
  • Pizza Hut: 1000-2100hrs; Friday/Saturday 2200hrs close time 
  • Popeyes: 1000-2100hrs; Friday/Saturday 2200hrs close time 
  • Baskin Robbins: 1030-2000hrs 
  • Bath and Body Works (pending Grand Opening) More to Follow.  
  • Clothing and Sales: 
  • Location: inside the Main PX (back right corner) 
  • Hours: Monday-Saturday 0900-2000hrs, Sunday 1100-1800hrs 
  • MUST scan CAC to check out 
  • Sew Shop: 
  • Location: inside Main PX conjoined to Clothing and Sales 
  • Hours:  
  • Turn around time: typically 3 days…can expedite if necessary 
For additional information, please reference the following websites:
Eighth Army:  
Camp Humphreys: 
*there are links for each school within this link 
U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys (Camp Humphreys) | Facebook 
Camp Casey:  
U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan-Casey | Facebook 
2nd Infantry Division - Korea (army.mil) 
2ID HQs: 
2nd Infantry Division | Facebook 
2nd Combat Aviation Brigade:  
2nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Facebook 
2ID Division Artillery: 
2nd Infantry Division Artillery | Facebook
210 Artillery Brigade: 
210th Field Artillery Brigade | Facebook 
Utilize Twitter @HMWRNOTICES for the main source for notices and updates on post; if you don’t have Twitter, you can access https://Humphreys.ArmyMWR.com/Promos/Notices